What is it to Face Life’s Losses?
Saturday, June 8, 2019
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Church of the Apostles
3957 Pender Drive, Suite 100
Fairfax, VA, 22030
What is it like to “Face Life’s Losses?”
Life is full of painful losses that must be grieved, but many of us have found that our culture does not welcome grief nor supply the support we need to face the pain and move toward surrendering it.
We would like to offer this gathering on Saturday, June 8, to 1) support each other as we embrace the journey of grieving, 2) increase our understanding of grief and loss in its many forms and experience the comfort and freedom that Christ offers us, 3) assess participant interest in an ongoing structured caring/sharing group to support each other and/or a series of experiential workshops that offer both deeper learning and healing.
This seminar will be an interactive time together that looks at grief through a broad lens, exploring what we grieve, how we grieve, and the journey through grief with Christ. It will introduce foundational elements from the class, “Facing Life’s Losses” that broaden understanding of grief and loss, not just about loss through death. We will:
Discuss relational circuits and strategies to help us connect to ourselves, others and the Lord.
Introduce and experience Immanuel prayer.
Introduce journaling with the Lord about our blessings, losses and regrets.
Offer freedom to honestly explore ALL our feelings.
Introduce the complexities of offering and receiving forgiveness
Give an overview of a structured caring/sharing group that offers shared support.
Give an overview of the full class content for “Facing Life’s Losses”
Survey the group as to interest and availability for both a class and a caring and sharing group.
The seminar will be facilitated by Lib Gillam, MSW, LCSW, a member of our congregation, using materials developed and adapted by Betsy Stalcup, Director, Healing Center International. Come if you’re hurting or know someone who is, if you’re curious, if you’re a quiet observer or enjoy verbal sharing. There is never any pressure to share. All are welcome and valued!