Grief Support Group
Loss and grief come in many forms. No matter the form, they are often hard to face alone. It can help to process them in community. We invite you to join one of our Grief Support groups that meets on Zoom twice a month from 10:30am-11:30am (EST). Together, we make space for listening, sharing, and supporting one another in our respective journeys. We are glad to be with you as you process your loss. All are welcome.
Click the button below to join us on Zoom:
2025 Meeting Dates:
January 2nd, 16th & 30th
February 13th & 27th
March 13th & 27th
April 10th & 24th
May 8th & 22nd
June 5th & 19th
July 3rd, 17th & 31st
August 14th & 28th
September 11th & 25th
October 9th & 23rd
November 6th & 20th
December 4th & 18th
A Testimony . . .
I’ve been in a small grief support group now for almost two years. We meet twice monthly in a home and all of us have grown quite close because we are sharing our joys and sorrows—without trying to fix each other. Several new people have joined recently, people who are hurting. While other groups found these people overwhelming, we welcome them, trusting God will love them through our group. It has been such a rich and satisfying experience to be part of this group! - Betsy S.
Our Groups . . .
Are modeled loosely on Al-Anon
Follow a structured pattern
Currently meet online
Meet for one hour
Have shared leadership. Each meeting has five leaders: the meeting facilitator, the guidelines reader, the reading reader, the Immanuel leader and a timekeeper.
Typical Meeting Agenda . . .
Welcome and introductions
Guidelines for Safe Groups
Short, selected reading
Group sharing
Immanuel Prayer or Lectio Divina
Closing prayer