9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Holy Trinity Church
850 Balls Hill Rd.
McLean, VA 22101
$42.00* includes snacks, drinks and a workbook.
*Do not let cost hinder you. If you need a scholarship, please contact Andy at Holy Trinity Church at hello@htc.us.
Improve your capacity to hear from God and find rest for your soul in this half-day retreat with Healing Center International. This is for everyone who needs refreshing, who longs to encounter God and hear his still small voice. Gentle. Kind. Loving.
We will practice specific exercises that prime our brains and bodies to interact with God and tarry in his presence. You will be transformed!
Betsy is the founder and Executive Director of Healing Center International. Our goal is to make joyful relationships in Christ a reality. We want to bring people into wholeness in Christ so that our churches become caring communities that reach out to our neighbors and the world. We want to remove every barrier to knowing God intimately.