The Class
Joy Starts Here
Joy. We are designed for it. We live our entire lives in search of it. Joy Starts Here takes a closer look at joy as a critical, relational component to restoring hope and changing communities. Learn how predators destroy community and how to have a tender heart towards weakness. Joy Starts Here is for people who feel stuck and do not know how to start moving towards relational wholeness.
In this 10-week class, you will learn to build joy and shalom through readings and interactive lessons. Joy Starts Here teaches how to interact with God so you can see yourself and others as he does, exploring pathways to biblical joy and strengthening your resilience for dealing with life’s challenges.
Time and Place
Joy Starts Here - Thursday Evenings
7pm - 9pm | Thursdays
Feb 2 - April 13, 2017
The Herberts
Address to be provided upon registration
Jeannie & Jerry Herbert
Anne Dogget
Class Schedule
2/2/17 - Week 1: Invitation to joy
2/9/17 - Week 2: Finding my joyful identity
2/16/17 - Week 3: My strong mask
2/23/17 - NO CLASS
3/2/17 - Week 4: The transformation zone
3/9/17 - Week 5: Joyful multi-generational community
3/16/17 - Week 6: Multi-generational environment
3/23/17 - Week 7: Restoring my joyful identity
3/30/17 - Week 8: A joyful church identity
4/6/17 - Week 9: Forming joyful people
4/13/17 - Week 10: Saving joy skills from extinction
Cost: $70 (includes book)
By check:
(please make checks out to)
Healing Center International
Memo: Joy Starts Here Herbert Thursdays
Bring to first class or mail to:
Cheryl Collins
c/o Healing Center International
8613 Parliament Drive
Springfield, VA 22151
Click the 'Buy Now' button below to pay by credit card via PayPal online.
(A PayPal account is not necessary to submit payment. Simply pay as a guest user.)